Véronique Auger
Director, Marchi e Design
After completing a Master focussed on law, management and economics, Véronique Auger studied at the Centre d’Études Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI) in Strasbourg. Her aim was to specialise in intellectual property, specifically in trade marks and designs.
She joined a local French IP practice in 1993, assisting in the development of a local client base covering every subject area, most notably computer science, chemistry and biochemistry.
When that French practice became part of Murgitroyd in 2003, Véronique began to concentrate on and strengthen her skills in trade marks and designs. Working for an international group meant there were greater resources for organisation and file management as well as knowledge development.
Véronique is now a Director, Trade Marks. She is a French and European qualified Trade Mark and Designs Attorney, and in addition the main point of contact in France for clients and colleagues for all French trade mark and design related matters. Véronique is a member of the Association des Praticiens du Droit des Marques et des Modèles (APRAM).
In view of Murgitroyd’s desire to offer pan-European services, Véronique also handles some trade mark and design matters for the Benelux, Monaco, Switzerland.
Some of her major clients have been in the following sectors: food industry, computer, science, biochemistry, ecommerce, online gambling, luxury goods, jewellery, pharmaceuticals.
- Food industry
- Competenze particolari nei settori di elettronica
- Biochemistry
- E-commerce
- Online gambling
- Luxury goods
- Gioielleria
- Pharmaceuticals