Terms of Website Use

Notice of Terms and Conditions for Website Use

The use and access of pages of this website operated by Murgitroyd (“Murgitroyd”) is subject to the terms and conditions (“Terms”) set out below. Please read these Terms before accessing the Murgitroyd Website (“Website”). By using or accessing the Website or any part thereof you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. Copyright

© Murgitroyd Limited 2001-2024. The copyright in the Website is owned by Murgitroyd and protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. Any party using or accessing the Website is entitled to copy any such information for their own personal use but may not re-publish, store or re-produce any such information in any manner, including without limitation electronic reproduction by “uploading” or “downloading”, without the prior written consent of Murgitroyd.

Any unauthorised downloading, re-transmission or other copying or modification of any of the contents of the Website may be in breach of statutory or common law rights which could be the subject of legal action. Murgitroyd disclaim all liability which may result from any unauthorised reproduction or use of the information on the Website. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Murgitroyd.

2. Security of Personal Data

Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

3. Trade Names

Certain names, words, titles, phrases, logos, icons, graphics and designs displayed on the Website constitute trade names or registered or unregistered trade marks of Murgitroyd. The display of any trade names or registered or unregistered trade marks on the Website does not imply any licence has been granted to any third party in respect of the same. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Murgitroyd.

4. Liability for damages

Murgitroyd shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages including any loss of profits, business, revenue or goodwill arising from the use or access of or inability to use or access, interruption or availability of the Website, its operation or transmission, computer viruses, loss of data or otherwise in respect of its use or the downloading or use of any software, including pdf files, made available by Murgitroyd on the Website.

Any party using or accessing the Website shall indemnify Murgitroyd from and against all claims, expenses, losses or liabilities (including professional fees and expenses) in connection with any claim by a third party relating to the use or downloading of the software or data or arising from such use or downloading.

5. Warranties

The content displayed on the Website including text, graphics, links or other items are provided on an “as is” basis excluding any warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for any particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses. Murgitroyd excludes any liability for (i) any errors in or omissions from content displayed on the Website and (ii) any other websites linked to or from the Website.

6. Links to other websites

Murgitroyd accept no responsibility or liability in respect of any materials on any website which is not under its control.

7. Accuracy of content on the website

Content provided on the Website is believed to be reliable when displayed. Murgitroyd cannot guarantee that content will be accurate, complete and current at all times. All content on the Website is subject to modification from time to time without notice.

8. Governing Laws

The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with

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