Identifying gaps in your IP Protection

James D Brown

Identifying gaps in your IP Protection

Once you have embarked on your IP journey, it is critical to regularly review your position to ensure you don’t have any gaps in your protection which could be exploited by your competitors.

Reviews can take the form of an IP audit and we would recommend that this is carried out with your IP Attorney. Such a review should focus on the following areas:

  • Check that you have considered all types of Intellectual property that are available to you
  • Check that you have adequately protected each of your products as best you can
  • Check that your IP cover is up-to-date, protecting your latest designs and product developments
  • Check that the geographical protection of your IP matches your business needs
  • Check that you are future-proofing your IP (products, territories etc.)
  • Check the lifespan of your IP (you could conduct further R&D and protect any new innovations to ensure continued IP protection, particularly if you have a mature portfolio (you could also make use of the Patent box corporation tax reduction scheme)
  • Make sure your IP reviews are conducted regularly

For a more detailed explanation on how to maximise your protection from design registration why not listen to our Innovation Talks podcast available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker, Deezer or Stitcher. Why not subscribe so you don’t miss our future episodes!

Speak to an Attorney about identifying gaps in your IP protection now:

For more information or to speak to one of our experts, contact us now.

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