Automotive, Engineering & Energy

Our dynamic group of automotive, engineering and energy experts fuses technical prowess with creative thinking to drive transformative solutions in these rapidly evolving sectors. Using our wealth of experience, we provide unparalleled intellectual property services that fuel growth and optimize performance in areas such as oil and gas, renewable energy and autonomous vehicles.

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Electric & Autonomous Vehicles

The automotive sector is currently experiencing a transformative era, driven by trends in electrification, sustainability, autonomy, and connectivity.

Our multidisciplinary automotive team stands at the forefront of this industry evolution, offering substantial expertise in these cutting-edge technologies. We are equipped with the IP knowledge to assist with all aspects of automotive innovation.

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Oil gas

Oil & Gas

For over four decades, Murgitroyd has been a stalwart partner to clients in the oil and gas industry. We've cultivated a deep well of expertise and take great pride in our enduring relationships with energy industry clients of all scales.

Our team boasts extensive experience that enables them to understand and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of intellectual property in the energy industry. This wealth of experience grants us an unparalleled insight into our clients' needs and expectations.

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Renewable energy

Renewable Energy

Harnessing the power of tidal, wave, and wind systems, heat pumps, biofuels, and organic photovoltaics, our renewables team brings a wide spectrum of experience to the table. With this extensive knowledge, we offer robust technical expertise to effectively address the intellectual property requirements of your renewables enterprise.

Our team's proficiency spans various facets of the renewables field, ensuring that your business is well-equipped to navigate the intricate landscape of intellectual property.

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