Attorney services

Our team, comprised of experienced patent, trademark, and design professionals, is well-versed in the nuances of IP law, offering authoritative advice rooted in years of practice. We provide clear guidance, empowering you to protect and maximize your innovative assets. Whether you're an inventor, a startup, or a multinational corporation, trust our patent, trademark, and design attorneys to safeguard your intellectual property in this dynamic era of rapid technological advancement.

Attorney services
Trade secrets 1

Trade Secrets

Businesses are increasingly aware of the value of intellectual property rights. Alongside registered forms of IP like patents, trade marks and designs, one lesser-known asset that can help to strengthen your market position is the protection of trade secrets. Find out how Murgitroyd can help to protect and manage your trade secrets.

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Boasting diverse scientific, technical, and business expertise, our top-tier European patent attorneys fluently converse in the language of inventors and IP professionals. We offer comprehensive guidance on all patent-related matters, spanning strategy formulation, prosecution, portfolio management, litigation, and dispute resolution.

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Trade marks


Our team of European trademark attorneys provide commercially astute advice at every stage of a brand's evolution. With a deep understanding of intellectual property, we excel in managing trademark portfolios to the highest standards.

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Design protection

Design Protection

We leverage design rights alongside other IP forms to fortify your portfolio, providing comprehensive coverage across both physical and digital spheres. Our expertise extends from protecting 3D aspects of products and branding to safeguarding 2D elements of electronic branding like website content, apps and graphical user interfaces.

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Our experienced team of copyright specialists will help you derive maximum commercial benefit from your copyrighted works.

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Domain names

Domain name

Securing the right domain names can help you promote your business on a global level and give you a strategic advantage over your competitors.

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Due diligence

Due Diligence

Determining the true value of your intellectual property assets, our IP attorneys will guide you through the process seamlessly.

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Global IP prosecution

Global IP Prosecution

As your comprehensive solution for global IP prosecution, our firm unites expert attorneys and a trusted international network to deliver high-quality, cost-effective protection for your rights worldwide.

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IP audits

IP Audits

We conduct intellectual property audits across a range of sectors and specialisms, helping to identify protectable ideas that will add value to your business.

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IP strategy portfolio mgmt

IP Strategy & Portfolio Management

We’ll help to create a tailored IP strategy for your portfolio that fits with your commercial needs and helps achieve your business objectives.

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Licensing support

Licensing Support

Helping you with every step of the licensing process, whether you’re licensing out your own IP or accessing third-party assets. 

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Litigation support

Litigation Support

Our team will work with you and support you through any litigation process, whether instigated by you or by another party

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Patent box

Patent Box

Our team is here to help you navigate the Patent Box rules and help you to maximize any benefit you’re entitled to

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Patent oppositions appeals

Patent Oppositions & Appeals

Our proficient patent opposition team excels at defending patentee rights against opposition from third parties and successfully challenging third-party rights to secure our client's freedom to operate within Europe.

The team's unique blend of deep technical knowledge and superior advocacy skills makes us your ideal partner in navigating the Patent Opposition and Appeals process. We are well-equipped to guide you through each step, ensuring your intellectual property rights are defended and your business interests safeguarded.

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Trade mark oppositions

Trademark Oppositions & Appeals

With over 45 years of experience in managing and winning trademark oppositions globally, Murgitroyd brings unparalleled expertise in the field of intellectual property protection. We have the capacity to act directly in 15 European countries, and our robust network of trusted foreign associates enables us to extend our reach globally.

Our attorneys collaborate closely to ensure that their collective expertise remains current and cutting-edge, providing you with the most informed and effective strategies in trademark protection.

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