
Murgitroyd operates under one brand that is used by the following distinct legal entities:

United Kingdom: Murgitroyd & Company Limited
France: Murgitroyd SARL
Germany: Murgitroyd Germany Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

For further information on any of the above entities, please see below. Responsible for this website is Murgitroyd & Company Limited.

If you have any concerns, questions or comments about this website, please contact:

Laurence Cheney, Head of Global Marketing Operations
Email: [email protected]

United Kingdom

Murgitroyd & Company Limited is a Scottish limited liability company

Registered Office: Murgitroyd House, 165-169 Scotland Street, Glasgow, G5 8PL, Scotland

Tel: +44 (0) 141 307 8400

Email: [email protected]

Company registration: SC144082

UK VAT Registration Number: GB 413 2155 43

Chief Executive: Gordon Stark


Murgitroyd SARL is a French Limited Liability Company

Registered office: Le Fairway, Bâtiment C, 980 Avenue Roumanille, 06410 Biot, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Tel: +33 (0) 4 97 21 52 00

Email: [email protected]

Company registration: 449 273 879 00022

French VAT Registration Number: FR 53 449 273 879

Director: Rick de Zeeuw (Gérant)


Murgitroyd Germany Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is a German patent attorney company with limited liability.

Registered Office: Bernhard-Wicki-Straβe 7, Munich, D-80636, Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 89 309 071 100

Email: [email protected]

Company registration: HRB 261841

German VAT registration number: DE 355415113

Director (“Geschaftsführer:in”): Dr Janine Holzer & Robert Börner

All Attorneys hold the German title “Patentanwalt/Patentanwältin” (German patent attorney) and are accredited in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The regulatory and supervisory agency for German patent attorneys is the Patent Attorneys bar association (Patentanwaltskammer), Tal 29, 80331 München,

Some of the Attorneys in Murgitroyd Germany Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH further hold the title of an European Patent Attorney (“zugelassener Vertreter vor dem Europäischen Patentamt”). The regulatory and supervisory agency for European patent attorneys is epi – Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office, Bayerstrasse 83, 80335 München,

Further some attorneys in Murgitroyd Germany Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are registered as European Trade Mark and Design Attorneys with the European Union Intellectual Property Office in Alicante, Spain (EUIPO).

All German patent attorneys are registered with the Patentanwaltskammer, München and – in the case that they have the admission to represent clients before the European Patent office – with epi in Munich.

Murgitroyd Germany Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are subject to the following regulations:

  • Patentanwaltsordnung (Patentanwaltsordnung vom 7. September 1966 (BGBl. I S. 557), die zuletzt durch Artikel 30 des Gesetzes vom 5. Oktober 2021 (BGBl. I S. 4607) geändert worden ist),
  • Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte (Beschlossen von der Versammlung der Kammer gem. § 82 Absatz 2 Ziffer 1 der Patentanwaltsordnung am 20. November 2013, in Kraft getreten am 1. März 2014 (Mitt. 2014, 53),
  • epi-Standesregeln (,
  • FICPI-Standesregeln (

German patent attorneys are required to take out professional liability insurance according to the provisions of the German Patent Attorney Act (PAO). The minimum insurance sum for law firms is EUR 2,500,000.00. Further details are contained in Secs 51, 59j (2) German Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO),

Murgitroyd Germany Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH legal’s professional liability insurance is provided by SIGNAL IDUNA Allgemeine Versicherung AG. The professional liability insurance policy is valid worldwide.

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