
Famously known for its University, our Cambridge office is your local hub for all things related to intellectual property. Home to some of the industry’s most proficient patent attorneys and trademark attorneys, we’re dedicated to protecting your innovations and maintaining the security and development of your IP portfolios.

Cambridge 1

Patent & trademark attorneys in Cambridge

Whether you’re a start-up seeking advice on patent protection or a multinational corporation needing comprehensive trademark services, our Cambridge-based team is here to assist. With our expanded resources and broader capabilities, we’re confident in delivering the highest levels of customer service.

We understand the unique challenges presented by different industries and customize our approach to meet your specific needs. Our patent attorneys offer in-depth knowledge across a range of sectors, ensuring your innovations are duly protected. Similarly, our trademark attorneys in Cambridge work tirelessly to secure and maintain your brand’s identity and reputation.

Discover how our Cambridge patent attorneys and trademark attorneys can support your business. Explore our website to learn more about our services and the exciting transition to Murgitroyd. We look forward to serving all your intellectual property needs.

Office lead: Simon Mitchell

Murgitroyd, Suite 1, Mansion House, Chesterford Research Park, Little Chesterford, Cambridge, CB10 1XL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 [0]113 2460151

Lucy Lawrence 1280x860

Lucy Lawrence

Practice Support Paralegal

Sharon Hemmings 1280x860

Sharon Hemmings

Practice Support Paralegal

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