New to Intellectual Property? Where do you start?

New to Intellectual Property Where do you start

If you are new to it, Intellectual Property can sometimes be daunting and confusing. We explain where you should start and how Murgitroyd can help as you embark on your first foray into Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright and Designs!

Where do I start with IP?

Most specialist IP firms will offer some initial advice for free, we certainly do at Murgitroyd – and our attorneys are experts in dealing with those early stage discussions, helping to guide you on the most relevant IP path and providing clarity on what the process is and what it’s likely to cost.

Understand your potential – and your limitations!

The key to any successful IP strategy is to get this good advice early, before you fully commit to a plan, project or further financial investment. You have to make sure you fully understand both the potential for your innovation or new product and, just as importantly, the limitations that it may have. At Murgitroyd we’ve got decades of experience of working with SME’s. We offer clear advice in plain language and we’re happy to take on your initial enquiry for free.

Our Attorneys are used to talking with all types of people – from sole proprietors to Chief Exec’s, CFO’s to brand development experts, R&D leads to engineers. We’re also aware that the person responsible for a company’s IP may potentially have little or no experience in managing or fully understanding the IP process – so we’re always on hand to take them through these vital, early stages.

Get In Touch!

For more information, please contact us so together we can start on what might just be one of the most exciting journeys of your life!

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