Nannette Quinn
Trade Mark Paralegal
Nannette Quinn is an experienced paralegal and has over 20 years of experience in the IP industry, commencing in an in-house position as a PA/IP Administrator to the Head of Legal and IP for a well-known international fashion and fragrance brand for a 12-year period, where she assisted in the handling of the domestic, foreign, and International trade mark and design protection. Nannette became CITMA qualified during this time in 2011 and is a Paralegal Member of CITMA.
Following this, Nannette moved to working in private practice, taking on a few long-term temporary contracts to gain experience and understanding of working with a variety of clients, using her skills and experience in all aspects of trade mark formalities.
Nannette joined UDL in 2018 and subsequently joined Murgitroyd as part of the addition of the UDL team to the Murgitroyd team in October 2021. Nannette's day-to-day responsibilities include creating, monitoring, and updating case records; preparing and filing trade mark applications worldwide; filing formalities documents and reporting formalities to clients; preparing client schedules and portfolios; liaising with foreign agents; recording registerable transactions at the UKIPO and WIPO; and monitoring and reporting deadlines. Nannette has significant knowledge and experience of design filing and protection, and also supports various watching services by preparing and sending reports and renewal reminders.
Nannette is based in our London Central Office.