Domain Names

Securing the right domain names can help you promote your business on a global level and give you a strategic advantage over your competitors.

Domain name protection

Our team can assist you in developing an appropriate domain name protection strategy. They are experienced in the registration and management of domain name portfolios and can advise you on the appropriate action to take against abusive domain name registrations.

“Securing a strategic bank of domain names is essential, as is a pragmatic enforcement strategy. We can help you to secure the right names, without following a “register everything” approach and can provide sensible enforcement advice, driven by commercial objectives, with a focus on website content and usage.”

- Dewdney Drew, Director, Trade Marks

Intro Group

Contact us

Tired of complex dealings with multiple firms around the world? Let us manage everything for you. We will consolidate your global filings, give you a single point of contact and save you time, money and stress.

+44 [0] 141 307
Fields Group
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