
Keeping your documents up to date and your deadlines met

Streamline your docketing process

Murgitroyd’s dedicated intellectual property docketing team is highly experienced in working with the EPO, WIPO and national PTOs to handle all correspondence and formalities across the prosecution cycle.

Docketing is the way IP professionals manage deadlines and documents associated with the patent and trademark application process. An effective docketing system is particularly important when managing the prosecution process of hundreds of different patents and trademarks over a time period of many years.

Our clients find that outsourcing some or all of their docketing needs results in more efficient internal processes, affording in-house lawyers and paralegals more time to focus on premium services.

“Our clients appreciate that we can provide a full docketing solution or can function as an extension of their existing intellectual property admin team.”

Eden Stright, Director, Strategic Client Solutions


Our docketing services

Our team is proficient in a variety of docketing systems and will work to ensure a smooth integration process. All services are fulfilled in-house in order to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and security on your intellectual property assets.

Our team will:

  • Process and docket all incoming actions
  • Upload all images and files associated with corresponding actions
  • Maintain database with respect to deadlines
  • Prepare docket reports
  • Deliver docket reports at predefined intervals
  • Correspond via phone and email as required to ensure effective task completion

Contact us to see how we can support you.

Eden Stright 1280x860

Eden Stright

Director, Strategic Client Solutions

Michael Chernoff 1280x860

Michael Chernoff

Managing Director, Strategic IP Solutions

Claire Gray 1280x860

Claire Gray

Director, Patent Paralegals

Annemarie Parsons 1280x860

Annemarie Parsons

Director, Deputy Head & Training Lead

Intro Group

Contact us

Tired of complex dealings with multiple firms around the world? Let us manage everything for you. We will consolidate your global filings, give you a single point of contact and save you time, money and stress.

+44 [0] 141 307
Fields Group
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