Due Diligence

Identifying and evaluating a company's IP worth

Knowing your IP worth

Proper intellectual property due diligence is central to determining the true value of any company and its assets. It determines both the quantity and quality of intellectual property held. It also highlights any areas of weakness, or additional protection that needs to be put in place.

Intellectual property due diligence is the process of examining an intellectual property portfolio, either your own or that of another party, with a view to buying, selling, licensing, or taking other action as regards that portfolio.

Our IP attorneys are here to guide you through that process seamlessly. We’ll work with your chosen advisors, for example, solicitors and accountants, to assess and evaluate the intellectual property you’re interested in.

Our due diligence expertise

Our IP expertise

We know that time and budget constraints will be key, so we’ll ensure that priorities are set with all advisors involved in the transaction so that resources are used correctly, and your goals are achieved.

“Intellectual property rights are central to virtually all commercial transactions. Acquisitions, start-ups, spin-outs and joint ventures all have specific intellectual property due diligence requirements, and it’s vital to make sure these are met.”

James Brown, Director, Patents

Talk to us to find out more about our Due Diligence service.

Intro Group

Contact us

Tired of complex dealings with multiple firms around the world? Let us manage everything for you. We will consolidate your global filings, give you a single point of contact and save you time, money and stress.

+44 [0] 141 307 8400info@murgitroyd.com
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