IP Audits

Protecting your innovation through strategic IP solutions

IP audit for commercial success

We conduct intellectual property audits across a range of sectors and specialisms, helping to identify protectable ideas that will add value to your business.

The end result is a thorough understanding of your assets, and an ongoing strategy for building on and adding to them – an essential tool for growth and commercial success.

“An intellectual property audit helps you to identify the intellectual assets you already have, and to put in place an intellectual property strategy for the future.”

 -Dr Russell Thom, Managing Director, Patents

Our expertise

Our IP audit expertise

Working closely with our IP attorneys, we start by understanding your business strategy and ambitions. We then examine your intellectual property, identifying what’s contributing to those ambitions and where you could make improvements.

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Contact us

Tired of complex dealings with multiple firms around the world? Let us manage everything for you. We will consolidate your global filings, give you a single point of contact and save you time, money and stress.

+44 [0] 141 307 8400info@murgitroyd.com
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