Equity, diversity & inclusion

At Murgitroyd, we know that celebrating equity, diversity and inclusion is paramount in a modern workplace. We've created a culture that thrives on diversity with our expansive global footprint, nurturing an atmosphere of collaboration and unity underpinned by shared values.

Equity diversity inclusion

Murgitroyd is committed to celebrating and supporting Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

We aim to be the employer of choice in the IP industry. As such, we are committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best people. We have long been open to talent in every form and we believe it is the diversity of our staff which has made Murgitroyd both successful and a great place to work.

Murgitroyd was one of the first pan-European IP firms and has also built a strong presence in the Americas. Over the years, we have carefully developed an open, collaborative and supportive culture, built around shared values. The togetherness and collegiate essence of our staff, has been real source of pride and comfort to all Murgitroyd employees. We've outlined some of the initiatives that we support, and are active members of, below. 

IP Inclusive

Within the IP Industry, we’re playing a proactive part by contributing to the initiatives launched by IP Inclusive, as an original signatory of the IP Inclusive Charter, publicly supporting and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the IP profession. We are also proud to act as lead of the IP Inclusive Scotland Network, to serve as committee members of the IP Ability community, and to have a presence on the IP Inclusive Advisory Board.

Race at Work Charter

Murgitroyd became signatories of the Race at Work Charter in November 2020. By signing the Charter, we committed to the following five practice steps: appoint an Executive Sponsor for race, capture ethnicity data and publicize progress, commit at Board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying, make clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers and take action that supports ethnic minority career progression.


ADAPT works to make DEI programs more accessible and scalable globally, to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive IP industry. At Murgitroyd, we strongly support DEI initiatives such as those offered by ADAPT, and believe they create a positive movement in the IP industry.

European Patent Pipeline Program

We are proud co-founders of the European Patent Pipeline Program (EPPP), a unique internship opportunity for STEM students to gain experience as a patent attorney. Following the success of the Patent Pipeline Program (PPP) in the US, the EPPP launched in 2023, bringing this opportunity to European companies and students.

At the heart of the EPPP is the intention to widen access to the patent profession by breaking down some of the common barriers to entering the industry through a structured internship opportunity. Find out more on our European Patent Pipeline Page.

ESG Report

We update and showcase our ED&I initiatives and contributions each year in our Annual ESG Report. Download the latest version here

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