Murgitroyd Included in WIPR Trademark Ranking 2024

Awards WIPR

Murgitroyd is pleased to have been recognised in the World IP Review’s UK Trademark Rankings 2024 as a ‘Recommended’ firm for non-contentious work.

In its inaugural year, WIPR’s UK Trademark Rankings includes leading traditional full-service law firms, boutique IP specialists and attorney firms; those navigating the impact of technological innovation on trade marks practice, the challenges of domestic and international protection, and the ever-demanding contest of representing clients in the courtroom.

WIPR comments: Murgitroyd is a European patent, trademark and design attorney firm. Known among peers for its patent practice, the firm also offers trademark protection for clients of all sizes. Murgitroyd takes a global approach, and has the reach to file trademarks in multiple jurisdictions across Europe, China, Japan and Singapore. Similarly, the firm registers UK trade marks both for domestic and international companies.

The WIPR Trademark Rankings 2024 have been compiled through market analysis, submission reviews, interviews with firms, as well as speaking with independently sourced clients and international lawyers who assisted in researching for trademark rankings in the US and China.

You can find the full rankings list on the World IP Review’s website.

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