Murgitroyd signs the Mindful Business Charter

Midful Business Charter

We are delighted to share that Murgitroyd is now a member of the Mindful Business Charter.

The Charter consists of a framework to tackle and lower avoidable workplace stress. This applies to both internal and external operations. The framework promotes healthier and less stressful working environments, allowing people to perform at their best.

As a company, we are committing to the following key points of the Charter:

  • Drive forward the actions and change necessary to support the Mindful Business Charter.
  • Promote a culture where people can speak up early about any concerns that they might have with their wellbeing (or the wellbeing of colleagues).
  • Make performance against the Mindful Business Charter / responsible business a priority standing agenda item for all client and supplier relationship review meetings.
  • Ensure responsible business is included as an area of assessment during significant procurement processes.
  • Once established, introduce the Mindful Business Charter to one new member every 12 months.

Find out more about the Mindful Business Charter.

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