World IP Day 2022 – an introduction to IP for young innovators and brand owners

This year, World IP Day is all about young innovators and entrepreneurs, who — thanks to social media and digital retail — now have the capability to launch brands and businesses like never before. Yet with this capability (and the potential for instant, overnight success) comes the need to understand how IP is a critical tool to protect your innovation, branding, time and effort — and why getting protected at the very start of your endeavour is key.
Whether you’re an aspiring inventor, digital retailer, up and coming brand or social media influencer, this one’s for you. Here’s a short guide to some must-know IP basics.
1. Advice for inventors and innovators — patent filing explained
If you’re inventing a new product, you’re hopefully also thinking about filing a patent to ensure that you have the exclusive right to commercialise it. While the patent filing process can seem complex, there are a few simple concepts to know about to help you get started.
Here are eight things you need to know about filing a patent, from keeping your invention confidential to the timelines and fees involved.
2. Advice for designers — how to protect product and branding designs
Many products will have a unique look or packaging, the aspects of which can be protected with registered designs. Designs are a fast and relatively inexpensive way to gain some IP protection, so they can be a particularly useful tool for smaller businesses.
Find out how design rights work and why combining them with other forms of IP can achieve enhanced protection.
3. Advice for brand owners — how to choose a trade mark
If you’re thinking up a suitable company, product or brand name and logo, you’ll want to consider whether your ideas would make an effective trade mark. Some key factors include whether it’s distinctive, globally appropriate and available for use.
4. Advice for digital brands — protecting yourself on social media
While it can be hard to go viral for the right reasons, it’s easy to go viral for the wrong ones. By having registered IP rights in place, brands are in a strong position to prevent the unauthorised exploitation of their materials online, especially if embarking on collaborations and influencer campaigns.
Here is advice if someone uses your trade mark or hashtag on social media.
If you need IP advice, you’re in the right place. Get in touch with us to arrange a free initial chat about your invention or brand.