New Client Information Form

We are excited to have you as our new client!

Who is completing the form?

Full name

General Contact Information For Your Business:


Your Company Demographics

What countries are these offices located?

Correspondence Contact

Our default is to send all correspondence via email except for original certificates of grant. If you need this to be different, please note this under "special instructions" below.

Correspondence Contact Name
Where To Send - Physical Address
Would you like copies sent to anyone?
Have you already provided details of the chosen contact in a previous section?
Copies Contact Address
Full name
Copies Contact Address
Full name
Do you want Murgitroyd to be responsible for monitoring and payment of renewals?
Renewals Contact Name
If powers of attorney documents are required, do you want to execute general or specific power of attorney documents?
Would you like access to our Client Portal?
Have you already provided details of the chosen contact in a previous section?
Client Portal Access
Full name
Client Portal Access
Full name

Accounting Contact

Accounts Physical Mailing Address:
Attention to:

Invoicing Type and Contact

Type of Invoices Requested:
Contact for billing system
Do you require a PO No. on your invoices?
Contact information for who assigns this PO
Attention to on Invoice:
Is the person above also responsible for actual payment of invoices?
Who is responsible for actual payment of invoices?

Accounts & Invoicing cont.

Murgitroyd sends an electronic statement each month to all clients showing current outstanding invoices.

Where would you like the Statement of Accounts to be sent?
In the event an invoice becomes overdue who would you like us to contact (if different from above)?

Please forward a full remittance advice to us with all your payments to

Do you need us to complete any vendor registration forms?

If you wish to query an invoice, please contact

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