Emmanuelle Bastian

Emmanuelle Bastian

Patent Paralegal Regional Head - Europe


Emmanuelle Bastian joined Murgitroyd in 2003 and works as Patent Paralegal Regional Head – Europe. She is responsible for processing recordals of transfer of rights and changes to the national/regional registers in Belgium, France, Monaco, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and at the EPO as well as worldwide.

Her responsibilities also include administrative tasks relating to PCT, European, French, Indian, Israeli and US patent prosecutions, alongside preparing patent portfolio schedules and budget forecasts.

In 2013, Emmanuelle obtained the CAB certificate (Certificate of Patent Administration).

  • CAB (Certificat d’Assistant Brevets français Certificat de l’OMPI
  • BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur)
  • DUS (Diplôme Universitaire de Sciences)
  • Baccalauréat C
  • WIPO Certificate

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