New Director appointment: Elena Brioschi

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Murgitroyd is delighted to announce the appointment of Milan-based trade mark expert, Elena Brioschi, as Director, Trade Marks.

Gordon Stark, CEO, commented: “This well-deserved appointment reflects the high regard we have for Elena as a colleague and the trust that she has built with her clients through the passionate and knowledgeable approach she brings to client matters. It also reflects the strength, growth and development of our trade mark and brand protection team across Europe, which has never been busier, supporting our clients in protecting their brands and exploring new and evolving strategic opportunities.”

Joanne Lecky, Managing Director, Trade Marks commented: “Congratulations to Elena on her thoroughly deserved appointment. I am delighted to welcome Elena to our Director Team and look forward to continuing to work closely with her as we grow and develop our offering and services in the field of trade mark strategy and protection in Italy and Europe.”

Please contact Elena to discuss your brand portfolio.

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