London Central

Murgitroyd’s office in central London is your premier destination for comprehensive intellectual property services in the heart of the city. As a leading London IP firm and renowned European patent and trade mark attorney provider, we’re proud to serve our clients right here in the bustling centre of the UK’s capital.

London Central 1

Patent & trade mark attorneys in central London

Our London Central office, in collaboration with our Croydon branch, is a dynamic hub of expert legal, technical, and support staff. We are dedicated to the protection and enforcement of your intellectual property rights, offering comprehensive coverage of all aspects, including European patents, trade marks and designs.

Our team of trade mark and patent attorneys operate across a wide array of sectors. Whether you’re in mechanical, electrical or electronic engineering, software, chemistry, or biotechnology, our specialists are equipped to cater to your unique needs.

From conceiving brand ideas and securing trade marks to nurturing inventions and ensuring patent protection, our London Central office provides extensive IP support services.

To discuss your needs with a European patent attorney or trade mark attorney, or to learn more about the additional IP services we provide, please reach out to our Central London office. Trust us as your London intellectual property firm – we’re not just here for business; we’re here to forge lasting relationships.

Office lead: Simon Mitchell

Murgitroyd, 210 Euston Road, Suite 5.04, London, NW1 2DA
Tel: +44 [0] 203 904 3365

Monika Dankowska 1280x860

Monika Dankowska

Trade Mark Paralegal

Shamil Rasheed 1280x860

Shamil Rasheed

European Patent Attorney

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